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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Testers Needed

Hi there!

Well, as I've mentioned before, my mom and I are creating our own little Etsy shop called, Mama & Nonni Handmades. We'll be creating and selling items mainly for mamas and their babies and young children. Most of these items will be made from cloth- some might eventually also be knitted. We're starting off with bibs in size small (young infants- 0-6months old), medium (older infants- 6-12months old), and large (toddlers 1-3years old). We'll also have cloth building blocks (very very cute, if I say so myself!), children's placemats, and children's napkins.

This is only the beginning! We have plans for lots more items to come over the year- such as handmade ring-style slings, a cloth diapering friendly diaper bag, cloth wipes, cloth "Robeez" style booties for babies and toddlers, and much more.

So, that brings me to my point (and I do have one) ;) -
We need some product testers!

We are looking for mamas and their babies or toddlers that would like to receive some of our products for free. All we ask in return is that you use them frequently so you can give us feedback on them. How can we make them better? What part of the product does or doesn't work for you or your children? What types of color combinations or fabrics would you like to see them in? Etc, etc. We've already got two mamas on board, but a few more would be great! We're working on creating a feedback form for you to fill out with your comments and recommendations. Once that's done, the mamas who've signed up to be our testers will have our products and some feedback forms mailed to them. Easy-peasy!

Email me, or leave me a comment if you'd be interested in being a tester.

And have a great day!


Mulberry Mama said...

I'm so excited to be one of your testers! I think this shop is a great idea.

I've been thinking...if I really get into this knitting thing (and you're not already making and selling them yourself), would you be interested in maybe selling hand-knitted longies/soakers/sweaters/baby sets for me? I'm not sure if I'll get that far, but it's a thought. I don't have the time or expertise to run my own store, and since you already have one.....:-) You'd get to keep a share of the profits, of course!

I probably wouldn't have anything ready until next fall, but I thought I"d put the idea out there just in case. And if not, that's OK too. Good luck on all your creating. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

Jennifer said...

Sure, Nikki! We can figure out the details when you're ready to start. We don't mind including you one bit. :)

AP said...

Ooooh! I wanna be a tester!! How awesome that you and your mom get to do this together.....looks like fun!

Jennifer said...

Yay! Thanks Melissa! So glad to hear from you! Just email me your mailing address, and as soon as we get our ducks in a row we'll send you stuff. :)

Becca said...
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Wifey said...

I'm interested...if it's not too late. Of course, I already have two of your mom's bibs and two building blocks. We love them and would love free stuff to try. ;) If you would rather us be closer, though I understand.

The shop thing sounds so fun. I've wanted to do something similar for a while now, but probably won't ever happen. Is yours going to be online or what's it called: "brick and mortar"?

Good Luck!