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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Do YOU Pin?

Ah, Pinterest, I love you so.

Are you a "Pinner"?  If so, check out my boards:

If not, hit me up for an invite.  :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Strong Woman, or a Woman of Strength?

I want to strive MORE to be a woman of strength.

A Strong Woman or Woman of Strength?

A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape...
but a woman of strength kneels in prayer to keep her soul in shape.

A strong woman isn't afraid of anything...
but a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of her fear.

A strong woman won't let anyone get the best of her...
but a woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future...
a woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be God's blessings
and capitalizes on them.

A strong woman walks sure footed...
but a woman of strength knows God will catch her when she falls.

A strong woman wears the look of confidence on her face...
but a woman of strength wears grace.

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey...
but a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will
become strong!

~Author unknown, but appreciated ...
(A woman of strength shared this with me.)

Friday, November 11, 2011

How to Truly Find Your "Mama Joy"

(Photo Credit:  Lydia J. Will, Small Town Simplicity)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Home-making: The Power Career

Until I have time to devote to this little space on the web again, and until I get a few things (mainly my thoughts!) in order to start my mini SAHM series, I'll leave you in this wonderful blogger's very capable hands.  :)



Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my little girl.  :)

You are our miracle, and our favorite blessing.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hello Again!

Hi y'all!
It's been a loooong time... again... but I've been missing my little blog and, low and behold, wouldn't you know it, I got a PHONE CALL about it from a very dear friend of mine today!  ;)

This super wonderful person (whom I miss very much!!!) has asked me to share my "wisdom" on being a Stay At Home Mom (SAHM).  She thinks it would be helpful for other wives/mothers, of whom she knows several, who would like to Stay At Home, but just aren't sure how to make the "leap".

Well, as you can imagine, I laughed out loud at that!  But, I did agree to do some writing about it here.  Most likely it will be more than one post, because I just don't know how to put something so big and "vague" into few enough words to just be one post.  :)

So, coming soon... well, sort of "soon"... will be some posts in a kind of series, called      "SAHM: ____".

I'll try to cover the "basics" (at least, as I see them), and I'll be very honest about how I see "Staying At Home" and about what I believe.  

Remember though, I am not an expert, in anything, by any means.  :)

What I'll share here with you is purely from my own experience and perspective, so please, if my views/opinions differ from yours, be kind.  :)

I'm also planning on asking a few other mamas, all who are very lovely ladies that I highly respect, if they might try to find the time to either blog about this topic on their own blogs, allowing me to link here to their posts for you to read, or being a "contributor" blogger here- giving us their two-cents on the matter. 

So, stay tuned... if you want to... hopefully this will be a really cool series.  

Lots of Love,
Jenni  :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Soulful Mothering...

"I've learned (and I write this sitting in my utter mess of a dream studio) that its not the size of your space, the perfection of your organization skills or the cleanliness (what?) of your children that keeps you feeling all tucked in and happy.  It is actually just deciding to feel tucked in and happy.  Despite the mess.  Giving yourself the permission to let it be what it is.  A family living together in one space, with invisible boundaries.  Where much can be shared, discovered and learned (and dumped, and scribbled and torn apart too)." 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Gettin' Dirty

"In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt."
~ Margaret Atwood

This excellent quote (shared by the lovely Amanda) pretty much sums it up for me these days! 

We (well, ok, mostly just me- but Regan helped a little too, as seen above!) were busy working on a fun new outdoor project this weekend!  I'm excited to share it with you- so look for that post coming soon.  :)

In  the meantime, here are a few other shots I thought I'd share from our weekend.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Because It's Spring. Supposedly.

Because I'm waiting for Regan's diapers to finish rinsing so I can go hang them on the line.

And because the clothespins situation at my house annoys me.

(Photo Credit)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Dream... (well, one of them)

I found this little beauty on a recent thrifting trip...

And suddenly I'm dreaming of this...

(Photo Credit)

Yep, in my efforts to rid our kitchen of plastic and tin cans, I've discovered a love for Pyrex.

I love this turquoise-y blue!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Hello, World!

Oh, my goodness!

After two weeks of being sick (first Reg, then myself), I am finally, FINALLY, starting to feel a little like my normal self again!

Sigh...  :)

Anyway, while I work towards getting our little family back into a nice rhythm and routine around here, I wanted to pop in and share an article that I am really loving today.

"Why 'Living Simply' Isn't Simple At All" is featured today on the Frugal Granola website (one of my favorites).

So, enjoy!

P.S. WHERE did spring go?!  We're expecting a couple of inches of snow here by the middle of the week.  I'm a bit put out with that ground hog.
P.P.S.  When did so many people decide this little, silly, blog was something to be interested in?!  My goodness!  Welcome, though, if you've decided to spend your time here.  :)

Until another day- on which I hope to have caught up a bit with all we've been missing here for the last two weeks- have a happy week!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The SPRING Edition...

I've been absent from here for quite awhile, but I'm working hard out here in "real life"- hopefully updates on all that's been going on to come soon!  :)

In the meantime, you should definitely check out the  



Wednesday, January 19, 2011

21 Day Organizing Challenge- Challenge 2, Organize the Computer Desk

Challenge #2- The Computer Desk


(Gulp.  You have no idea how brave I'm being, owning up- on the 'net no less!- to this!)

And, after:

I'm estimating another 20 min. job here- possibly less, but again, that's with leeway given for little person interruptions. 

And you know, it's not as "clean" to the eye as I'd like, but it'll have to do until I can buy more of these white office container thingys at Wal-Mart (the store that I continue my love/hate relationship with).

Part of my overall 2011 goal of "Organizing" is to also adopt these two statements:

1.)  Good enough is better than not at all.  (otherwise spoken in this house as a quote from the movie "Babe", "That'll do pig.  That'll do.")

2.)  Keep calm and carry on.  (Those good 'ol Brits- I love this quote!)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

21 Day Organizing Challenge- Challenge 1, Organize the Junk Drawer

Well, already I'm bending the rules.  ;)

But, the organizing of *A* drawer was a success- and it was looking pretty "junky", so I guess that counts!

Let me introduce, our first bathroom drawer.

And, the counter directly above it...

"Oy vay!", you say?  I agree.

Anyway, following the step by step directions, I organized away.

I'm estimating this took me, maybe 20 min. tops- including toddler interruptions.

And the result is...

a neatly organized drawer, including pretty patterned paper underneath.  :D

Oh, and a much clearer countertop...

with toddler hair things all corralled in one basket now.

*Happy sigh*

One step at a time, I think I can do this.


Late Again, But Determined Anyway!

I really wish that I would find these things earlier.

Here I am, just discovering this, and starting 2/3 of the way through. 


Ah well.  That's just how the cookie crumbles 'round my house!

So, I'm starting late (again), but I am not to be dissuaded! 

I am determined- 2011 is the YEAR.

The year in which I WILL finally get our home whipped into shape!

This is the year that our house becomes a home- and a home that not only feels and looks "homey" (at the very least, by December this year, there will be much improvement in the "homey"ness department!) but that is organized (at least to the extent that organization is possible in this stage of our parenthood life).

Wanna join me?  :D

I may be late, but I'm stickin' to it!

So, here goes: Day 1- Organizing the Junk Drawer.

Stay tuned.

(But only if you want to see pictures of a horribly messy drawer turned neat.  Heh heh!)