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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sewing, Shop-ing, and Swimming

I am so excited!

I just this morning picked up the cutest, cutest, cutest printed PUL fabrics for making some more cloth diapers!

These fabrics are stretchy knits that have been laminated with PUL to make them waterproof, so they won't require a diaper cover (who would want to cover up that kind of cuteness?!).

I can't wait! 

And, speaking of, I wanted to take a sec to let anyone interested know that, even though the Mama & Nonni Handmades shop is on vacation, I am happy, happy, happy to take custom orders.  
Diapers, bibs, burp cloths, cloth wipes- I'm more than happy to sew them up for you!

The shop's vacation is only temporary- "Mama" has gone back to work full time, and "Nonni" is just still trying to get her ducks in a row.  So, we're mixing it up a little, trying to figure out who will be doing what, and how it will be getting done.  :)  We're hoping to have listings back up on Etsy this fall.

BUT, if you're interested in having something made before then, just let me know!  ;)

You can contact me for custom orders, or order inquiries, at:  Bright Beginnings Playgarden @ gmail . com (without all the pesky spaces of course).

And, as for swimming, well today will be Regan's first day at the pool!  
As the heat index here is around 100 today, we're looking forward that trip this afternoon!

I'm sure I'll have many pool-baby pictures to share afterward, but for now here are some to tide the grandmas, aunts, and friends over.

Be back soon!  :)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting some pics! I desperately needed my Regan fix! Love to you all!