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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Checking In

Hi all.

Thought I'd just pop in this morning to let you know I'm still around. ;)

These last couple of weeks have been a bit overwhelming-
on the 4th we lost the young husband of one of our good friends to cancer,
and his funeral was last week.
It was a long and emotion filled trip, but we're so very glad we made it.

Then on Saturday Pete's grandma passed away, and her funeral is this week.

So, it's been an emotion-filled time for us around here since July 4th,
and the posting (not that it was terribly regular to begin with this summer!)
has gone by the way-side.

But, life does go on- which is both a comfort and a struggle at times-
and I hope to be back again on a regular basis soon to update you
(anyone who does read this little 'ol blog) ;)
on the happenings of the summer, the baby's progress, and my new business venture.

So, until then, happy days to you! :)


Erica said...

Mom told me about Pete's grandma sorry to hear that.

Janna said...

Congratulation on your growing girl...that is very exciting. Mom told me about your g'ma's passing, and so very sad about C's husband, it is one thing to loose an older person but he was so young. Just wanted to stop in and say HI don't really know you other than through Mom and Dad but fun to hear about you both and to know there is someone in Kingsley....... kind of amazing to me........went to meeting in that town until I was 16. Janna