in six more months.
But, with that first tooth popping through, I'm starting to see the time begin to "fly" by.
And so, I find myself already thinking towards that first major milestone....
her first birthday.
Call me crazy if you want- I call it being a first-time mommy.
If the next six months go by as fast as these first six have, it'll be here in no time.
Can you guess what I'm thinking the theme will be?
But, with that first tooth popping through, I'm starting to see the time begin to "fly" by.
And so, I find myself already thinking towards that first major milestone....
her first birthday.
Call me crazy if you want- I call it being a first-time mommy.
If the next six months go by as fast as these first six have, it'll be here in no time.
Can you guess what I'm thinking the theme will be?
could it be birds??
I always did theme parties too...I had so much fun and the kids love it. Kinda got out of it the last year, just too much else happening.Have fun planning.
Whoa...slow down girl, and enjoy the moments! Cute theme though. I especially love the Robeez shoes. :-)
Jana- I'm excited, and dreading it (the turning one, not the party) at the same time. :)
Nikki- I AM trying to enjoy the moments! :) This child is just growing too fast for me. It's already kind of bittersweet- I love watching her grow, but it makes me sad to know this time of her needing me like she does and being tiny is limited. :)
I just can't wait to see the cake fly!! :)
Those are all such sweet birds. I especially love the yummy looking nests (I think those are food), and the bird house (did you make that?). Too cute
Heather- I haven't made any of this yet... although her grandma did make her a bird mobile just like the one shown. :) I'm excited to see if I can figure out how to make some of this stuff for her birthday though.
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