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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Soulful Mothering...

"I've learned (and I write this sitting in my utter mess of a dream studio) that its not the size of your space, the perfection of your organization skills or the cleanliness (what?) of your children that keeps you feeling all tucked in and happy.  It is actually just deciding to feel tucked in and happy.  Despite the mess.  Giving yourself the permission to let it be what it is.  A family living together in one space, with invisible boundaries.  Where much can be shared, discovered and learned (and dumped, and scribbled and torn apart too)." 

1 comment:

Christina said...

im not going to having a really hard time with trying to have to many a wife, mom, housekeeper, new buisness owner, so on and so forth. I remember it was hard for me to keep my house clean after i was married and that was really hard for me because when i lived by myself i was a clean freak!!! so you can imagine how hard it is with all this on top of it!!! thank you for sharing because i need to be reminded of this alot!!!