It's been forever (sigh...) since I posted, so I thought I'd pop in quick to say "hi" and post our
One Small Change for March.
By the way- March?! Really?! Already!?!? Hopefully we'll start to see more of this very soon...
(I'm really getting sick of snow- it's piled e v e r y w h e r e !)
Last month the goal was simple- try to keep the lights off in the house, except for the room we were currently in.
It went fairly well, too. I forgot off and on to switch a light off here and there, but found myself becoming more aware of it, and checking regularly to make sure lights were off around the house.
I'm a person who loves- NEEDS- lots of natural light, and unfortunately I'm "blessed" ;) to live in a house that gets very little. I used to "fix" this by keeping lots of lights on all the time- especially those gray winter days- but I'm doing better at it, one day at a time.
For March, we're going for another simple change.
We're going to be trying to go completely "paperless" in the kitchen/dining rooms.
This shouldn't be too hard on us (well, on me- poor hubby sure is attached to his paper napkins and paper towels) since we already have lots of cleaning rags and towels. My one trouble spot had been trying to find something to replace paper towels with- for those little messes and spills that you don't want to use an entire kitchen towel to clean up. Then I remembered the HUGE PILE of these Sham-Wow type cloths stashed under our kitchen sink. Hubby bought them (with me in mind- awwww) a long time back at a tool auction, and I just couldn't figure out what to do with them until now. Cut up into eighths (yep, they're BIG) they work great as reusable paper-towelish cloths!
Yay for me, finding a way to use what we already have. ;)
That's one thing I'm really enjoying about this challenge in general- so far it seems like the changes that are better for the environment are also better for our budget. And, with us working on some big changes in our life right now (hopefully I can post about them some time soon...), it feels really good to know that I can make changes that are better for our health, the environment,
and benefit our budget.
And as for those diapers... sigh... I'm still trying to find time here and there to work on them.
I'm really bummed that I haven't been able to just sit at the sewing machine for a few hours to really make some progress, but with a young baby and a daycare at home I'm just not finding the time. I'm trying not to feel too bad about it, I'm only one person after all and there are only so many hours in a day, but I'll be really really happy if the pace of our life somehow can change enough to allow me a few hours for sewing here and there.
And, last but not least, my baby is on her last week of being a four month old!
And, she's learned to roll from her tummy to her back and is now scooting on her tummy!
Oh, my baby is already growing up too fast.